On week 12, We are going to design a ideas and concept of the Urilift to become our final design.
Although our final design is in the progress, but we have make an improvement on the handrail, the pop-up button, emergency button and the floor. The Urilift is in the underground, so that can save a lot of spaces. The handrail has design into a rough texture to prevent slippery and also made with rubber, and the length is from the entrance of the Urilift until the place of the toilet bowl accordingly from stand up to sit down. There is a pop-up button, which is use for step in and the Urilift will rise up. So that, elderly no need to use their hand to touch on it, because this will become a problems for a elderly who cannot bend their back. For the emergency button is use for elderly who has difficulties when they are in the toilet, and also to call for help through this button. When the Urilift has rise up on the ground, the level of the floor is in the same height as the ground, To make it more convenience for the disable elderly, also has added the turning plate on the floor to let the disabled elderly move in easily and the plate will turn in a suitable place. It is all works in automatically. After consult the lecturer, the Urilift is too small to let the disabled elderly to move in. The turning plate also too small to fix in the size of the wheel chair.
Design Process 2016
Week 11 Survey questions
The following questions are according to the first mind map problems.
Question 1: What are the common spaces usually elderly will goes?
Question 1: What are the common spaces usually elderly will goes?
- Community center/ Elderly Corner
Park - Market/Grocery shops
- Public toilets
- Void decks
Question 2: How does elderly spend their time wisely when they are free?
- Reading newspaper
- Playing chess/ mahjong with friends
- Learn some talent like dancing, qi gong, singing and etc...
- Shop for grocery
- Watching TV Channel
- Take care for their grandchild
Question 3: Are you still in work or retiree?
- Still in work
- Retiree
Question 4: What are the most problems elderly have faced when they are at these common spaces?
- Is not easy to interact with others elderly especially goes to the community center or elderly corner
- Some of the exercise equirment does not provided handles.
- There are no roof to shade the path through markets or grocery shops.
- The floor is slippery especially in the public toilets.
- In the public toilets does not has enough special toilets for elderly and only for disable toilet has handle to hold
- Lack of CCTV in some void deck areas.
- Lack of shield in the void deck to prevent cold when raining.
- Some void decks only has an entertainment equirment, like Television, Radio and etc...
- Cannot remember where is the remote control placed after using it.
Question 5: Does the public toilets has any problems?
- Some of the public toilets don't has the handrail to hold.
- Slippery floor.
- In some locations, the distance of the public toilet is too far to reach.
- In some area, public toilets are too small to move in.
Week 9 & 10 Another ideas of product
This week, I am doing some sketches to sketch out the ideas of the Urilift, which is an idea come from one of the member. But I am only doing a part of the Urilift design, is more focus on the ventilation part.

Fig 1 The concept of Urilift ventilation.
In this figure 1, The concept of the Urilift is under the ground when not using it, just press a button and will pop-up, it can saves a lot of spaces, and also placed in somewhere there is less public toilets. There is a button located on the roof of this Urilift. On the bottom of the roof, the cube shape holes is for the hot air flows upwards so that inside will not feel so stuffy. The part of the ventilation is on the top of the handrail. There is a handrail in this Urilift for those elderly to hold and support their leg. The floor tiles has change into non slippery tiles. I have search something about the non slippery floor tiles or anti-slip chemical from internet. The final result is there is a anti-slip chemical can solve the slippery floor problems in just apply it on the existing floor area. After that, there is a microscopic thread patterns created but is within the floor tiles. And also be able to feel the grip when step on.
Electronic source
Non slippery floor solutions,
Vincent Interior Blog. Anti-slip floor solution by G-MES: Protect old folks, children and yourself. Created 10th April 2013. Accessed 15th April 2016.
Week 7 & 8 Chapter 3 individual sketch
This week, I am doing some sketches to sketch out the ideas of the remote and table that prevent losing the remote control.
Fig 1 ideas 1 controller on the table (top view)
Fig 2 ideas 1 controller on the table (top view)
Fig 3 ideas 2 a hole inside the table (side view)
Week 4 Case Study
The case study that I have done is about elderly having loss memory problems.
There is an issue regarding some of the elderly’s having bad memory. One example of this problem they face is that they often forget where is the remote controls are placed after using it. To tackle this issue, we have found a method in an article to tackle this issue. It was found that the aged themselves are required to understand the importance of undergoing fitness programs which will stimulate, not their bodies, but their brain to improve their memory. Hence, programs were devised to conduct lessons for the elderly, letting them learn more about their own health issues and teaching them on how to improve it themselves through small activities which they can do on their own every day. One such example is to try to remember some tiny details such as names, dates or location of household objects. All these actions may not seem to be very effective, but it still help to stimulate the brain and keep it active. As people get older, it takes more time for them to remember all these little information they see. Hence, without any effort to stimulate their brain, their memory would worsen as they get even older.
Rick Nauert PhD. Brain fitness training improves memory in seniors. Created 30 Aug 201. Accessed 20 March 2016<http://psychcentral.com/news/2011/08/30/brain-fitness-training-improves-memory-in-seniors/29026.html>>
There is an issue regarding some of the elderly’s having bad memory. One example of this problem they face is that they often forget where is the remote controls are placed after using it. To tackle this issue, we have found a method in an article to tackle this issue. It was found that the aged themselves are required to understand the importance of undergoing fitness programs which will stimulate, not their bodies, but their brain to improve their memory. Hence, programs were devised to conduct lessons for the elderly, letting them learn more about their own health issues and teaching them on how to improve it themselves through small activities which they can do on their own every day. One such example is to try to remember some tiny details such as names, dates or location of household objects. All these actions may not seem to be very effective, but it still help to stimulate the brain and keep it active. As people get older, it takes more time for them to remember all these little information they see. Hence, without any effort to stimulate their brain, their memory would worsen as they get even older.
What: A lesson to teach the elderly on the importance of keeping
their brain active and ‘exercising’ it, and how to do it.
Why: The elderly themselves do not know the negative effects of
not stimulating their brains frequently, which leads to bad memory loss,
affecting their normal lives.
When: The problems become worse
Who: The elderly
Where: In Maryland Los Angeles, 115 seniors who are living in two
full service continuing-care retirement communities.
How: They provide a training course which are different from other
cognitive courses, education is one of the factor to impact memory ability and
not just only offered memory training techniques. Participants may received
education on a antioxidants in diet rich, daily physical exercise and relaxing
are also very important in the part of curriculum.
Electronic source
Electronic source
Week 3 Mind map of the Research Methodology
In week 3, we had done a research methodology about the common spaces and also to find out more information through the different primary and secondary resources. The primary sources are experiment, one of our member did a field experiment about how does elderly walk up the stairs and also found out the problems when they walk up to the stairs. Some of the elderly has leg problems which means their leg will pain when they are doing some activities included a daily exercise, walking. We had chosen a place to observe the elderly, what they are doing in the chinatown, mostly the elderly like to talk with friends sit somewhere to rest and also like to shop. After they shop, they will carry those carrier and some elderly they need to carry these heavy stuff back to their home. Survey is also one of the primary sources, a survey is to know about more about the thought of the elderly and problems. There are two interviews that we had done with two different aged elderly live in different area. Secondary sources are from books, internet, magazines, newspaper and journal. Mostly, the sources that we were found are from books, internet and newspaper.
Week 2 Mind map of the common spaces around the neighbourhood
Fig 1 mind map of the common spaces for the elderly around the neighbor hood
My group member and I had discussed about the common spaces for the elderly around the neighbor hood in week 2. Firstly, we had written down the places that the elderly might go and the places are community center, elderly corner, park , coffee shop or kopitiam, wet market and bus stop, etc...Secondly, we analysis the problems that they had faced, which are overcrowding especially share with everyone. When it is raining there is lack of shelter for the elderly. Some of the elderly also has deteriorating eye sight and cannot see signal clearly. They also have memory problems, sometimes cannot find the direction to their way home. Due to the places like market, is a noisy environment also they cannot hear clearly. Lastly, after listed out these problems, we had made a conclusion to solve the problem. We started to write out the research methodology on week 3.
My group member and I had discussed about the common spaces for the elderly around the neighbor hood in week 2. Firstly, we had written down the places that the elderly might go and the places are community center, elderly corner, park , coffee shop or kopitiam, wet market and bus stop, etc...Secondly, we analysis the problems that they had faced, which are overcrowding especially share with everyone. When it is raining there is lack of shelter for the elderly. Some of the elderly also has deteriorating eye sight and cannot see signal clearly. They also have memory problems, sometimes cannot find the direction to their way home. Due to the places like market, is a noisy environment also they cannot hear clearly. Lastly, after listed out these problems, we had made a conclusion to solve the problem. We started to write out the research methodology on week 3.
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